Welcome Sanpete County Republicans

Caucus information
Dear Friends, At caucus you will elect neighbors and friends who will represent you at the county party level for the next two years. Perhaps you will stand for election yourself. We encourage your participation.
Precinct Chairs and Vice-chairs are members of the County Central Committee. They not only conduct Precinct meetings, but are asked to attend two Central Committee meetings per year, and two county conventions during their two-year-tenure.
Get to know Republicans in your precinct.
Organize voters in your precinct and provide opportunities to become more involved County delegates, are expected to attend two county conventions. The first is the Nominating Convention usually held in April. There you will vote on who will be the Republican candidates for countywide office such as County Commissioner, County Auditor, etc. Next year you will attend the county’s Organizing Convention where the party elects county officers and sets party policies for the following two years. Delegates are also members of the County Delegate Council, which is the ruling body of the Party. State Delegates will attend both county conventions, but will also be expected to attend the state Nominating Convention, where you will vote for candidates, including Governor, the 2nd and 4th U.S. Congressional districts, the 24th Utah Senate district and the 58th Utah House district. Next year you will attend the State Organizing Convention to elect State Party officers and set the course of the state party for the next two years. You can be a State Delegate and a County Delegate and a precinct officer all at the same time. Holding any of these positions is a very serious responsibility. If you stand for office, please be sure you are willing to commit to attend the meetings/conventions it calls for. We need delegates who seek out the opinions of their precinct members and will faithfully represent their precinct at the various conventions. The precinct members are counting on you. Please don’t let them down. Thank you for your attendance tonight and your willingness to serve. We look forward to welcoming new precinct officers and delegates into party service.
Caucus location information
Here is a list of where your caucus precincts will meet.
Clicking on the address below will open google maps.
New Precinct Map click here
Precinct Location and Address
AXTSSD Gunnison Valley High School 35 East 600 South Gunnison, UT 84634 Axtell U Gunnison Valley High School 35 East 600 South Gunnison, UT 84634 Centerfield M Gunnison Valley High School 35 East 600 South Gunnison, UT 84634 Ephraim 1M Ephraim Middle School 555 South 100 East. Ephraim UT: 84627 Ephraim 2M Ephraim Middle School 555 South 100 East. Ephraim UT: 84627 Ephraim 3M Ephraim Middle School 555 South 100 East. Ephraim UT: 84627 Ephraim Unincorporated Ephraim Middle School 555 South 100 East. Ephraim UT: 84627 Fayette M Gunnison Valley High School 35 East 600 South Gunnison, UT 84634 Fairview Municipal Fairview Elementary 651 150 N, Fairview, UT 84629 Fairview Unincorporated Fairview Elementary 651 150 N, Fairview, UT 84629 Fountain Green Ft. Green City Office 375 N. State St, Foutain Green, UT 84632 Gunnison M Gunnison Valley High School 35 East 600 South Gunnison, UT 84634 Manti 1M Manti High School 100 W 500 N St, Manti, UT 84642 Manti 2M Manti High School 100 W 500 N St, Manti, UT 84642 Manti 3M Manti High School 100 W 500 N St, Manti, UT 84642 Mayfield M Gunnison Valley High School 35 East 600 South Gunnison, UT 84634 Moroni North Sanpete Middle School (Moroni) 655 E. 100 S. Moroni UT 84646 Mount Pleasant 1M NS High School 390 E 700 S, Mt Pleasant, UT 84647 MT Pleasant 2M NS High School 390 E 700 S, Mt Pleasant, UT 84647 MT Pleasant Unincorporated NS High School 390 E 700 S, Mt Pleasant, UT 84647 NSU Unincorporated Ft. Green Elementary 395 W. 100 S. FG, UT 84632 South Sanpete Unincorporated Gunnison Valley High School 35 East 600 South Gunnison, UT 84634 Spring City M Old City Hall 46 North Main Street, Spring City, UT 84662 Spring City Unincorporated Old City Hall 46 North Main Street, Spring City, UT 84662 Sterling M Sterling City Hall 75 N 100 W, Sterling, UT 84665 Sterling U Sterling City Hall 75 N 100 W, Sterling, UT 84665 Wales M Wales Town Hall 150 N State St. Wales, Utah 84667
Precinct Maps

Precinct Portal (locate by address)
Ephraim Precincts Map Gunnison Precincts Map Manti Precincts Map Mount Pleasant Precincts MapPrecinct Packet for Precinct Chairs 2022
Instructions for using Absentee Ballots
Republican Caucus
If you are unable to attend Caucus in person any registered Republican can participate in Caucus using an Absentee Ballot. You should write down your wishes/instructions on a piece of paper and be as explicit as possible. For example - "I nominate John Smith for Precinct Chair and I vote for John Smith for Precinct Chair". Instructions should only be directed toward the elections to be held at Caucus: Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice-Chair, Precinct Secretary, Precinct Treasurer, State Delegates and County Delegates. Put your written instructions in an envelope and seal it. You must sign the envelope across the seal. If you know your precinct, write it on the outside of the envelope as well. You can send the absentee ballot with a courier/ friend to be delivered to your Caucus location, but you must include a photocopy of both sides of a valid ID (such as a driver’s license) outside the envelope. When a courier comes to Caucus with your Absentee ballot, they should go to the check-In desk. Check-In volunteers will look up the absentee voter using your ID and if appropriate “check you in” giving the courier a credential and directing them to the proper classroom for your precinct. YOUR ID WILL BE RETURNED TO THE COURIER! WE WILL NOT KEEP OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR A PERSON'S ID OR PHOTOCOPY. The courier brings your envelope and credential to the Caucus meeting and they should immediately hand it to the person running the meeting - showing them the ID and credential. The Precinct Host will verify the signature on the envelope against the signature on the copy of the government-issued ID, but will not take possession of the copy of the ID. Once the signature is verified the ballot will be certified. The Precinct Host will open the envelope and follow your instructions to the greatest extent possible. The ballot instructions in the envelope will be used in all rounds of voting as appropriate. A courier may bring no more than three (3) ballots to caucus on behalf of others. The person to whom the voter’s envelope and copy of the ID are entrusted to (courier) shall be responsible to deliver the envelope to the Precinct Host and to destroy the copy of the ID or to return it to the voter. The Utah Republican Party will assume no liability for the information on the copy of the voter’s ID.
Caucus Meeting Helpful Videos
BEFORE CAUCUS NIGHT FOR PRECINCT CHAIRS/HOSTS • Watch caucus training videos online. You may want to share these with your precinct ahead of caucus night. 1. Best practices for caucus meetings, https://youtu.be/5VANzyQOkf4SLC Training Video (most applies to Sanpete County) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hx3mo7jYAKo&t=1s 2. What is a caucus meeting? https://youtu.be/Ocv93DaqMJI
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QTUnA49QQg 3. What is a state delegate? https://youtu.be/ZBDlV4ed3c8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtRXRhokIYQ 4. What is a precinct officer? https://youtu.be/yQa-0AwHXAA
You can be a Precinct Chair! (Texas)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv-3Ef9VZz4 Why is a Caucus so important?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JF-jD_aYNdg Gather and read your caucus information • Gather caucus packet from Area Chair (available after Feb 29 usually) 1. Go through everything, make sure it is all there and familiarize yourself with packet. 2. Find out if County or Area Chair is planning to open the meeting all together or if you are responsible for that in your precinct.
• Prepare to gather donations in your precinct. You can use the envelope that will be included in your caucus packet. • Download the platform video onto your laptop or phone. https://youtu.be/3sVhkdTR7AY • Download the position responsibilities video onto your laptop. (You will not be reading these this year but playing the video instead) 1. What is a State Delegate? https://youtu.be/ZBDlV4ed3c8 2. What is a precinct officer? https://youtu.be/yQa-0AwHXAA
Compelet Caucus Training Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG9HmjJrUNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMYq5Tv2jc
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